Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

Jack and Allie in Paris 2010

The kids loved Paris! It was way too much to take in over a week end! Wish we had more time in this city!

Paris June 2010

John and I agree that this is the most beautiful city we have ever seen. The arcitecture is amazing. I could spend a month here and not see everything. I am sad that there is no time togo back again before we leave!

Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2010

Splash Park June 23, 2010

These are pictures of the kids at the "splash park" It was more like an organized area of mud puddles. Allie loved every minute of jumping, splashing and even sitting in the middle of the mud!! Jack had fun, but Allie was in Heaven! I do not think her outfit will make it back into her dresser!

Allergy Season

These are pictures of the pollen at the park today. I drove in and stopped and told the kids that there was no way we could stay. We drove in a little further and found that the pollen was not bad where the swings and climby things were. I have never seen pollen like this before!

Montag, 21. Juni 2010

My little worker BEES! June 21,2010

This is the kids helping me clean the windows. Maybe is is actually going to be summer here yet!

June 20, 2010

This is the kids at the next park. They have water to play in everyday. It was only 60 degrees and they played in this cold water for about a half hour. After that they found a fisherman and talked to him for a while. HJe let them hold and release his little fish. We had a great day but cannot wait for our daddy to get home!

This is a messy collage of our day at the park with the neighbors. ( I need to play with this blog a little to see how to arrange the pics.) The kids played American football and rugby! We had a great time at the first park. The only thing that would have been better would have been to have our daddy there!

Freitag, 18. Juni 2010

Safari Park June 18,2010

This is a picture of the kids and I in the swan paddle boats. It was a-lot of fun and sadly the only picture of us that was taken today. The rest of our 150 pictures were of the animals on safari. I will have to post more tomorrow because here in England it is time to send the kids off to sleepy land! Goodnight All. Miss you and Love you!

Safari Park June 18,2010

These are pictures of a very cute monkey that decided to jump on our car. He was chewing on the rear windshield wiper (I can only imagine what Mercedes would charge to fix that). The next monkey helped out by sliding down the rear window and taking the first monkey with him. The kids were hysterical!

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

A beautiful day at the park June 17,2010

We spent today at the park and had a picnic lunch. It has been great to have two sunny warm days in a row!

Castle Ashby June 16, 2010

The kids and I at the little town near the castle. We stopped to do a little shopping and have lunch. They found their new favorite deserts and we had to stop back after the castle to get more. They are shortbread cookies smothered in caramel and covered with chocolate. Hard not to like!

Castle Ashby June 16 2010

These are a few pictures of the grounds at Castle Ashby. The flowers were in full bloom and the lillypads in the water were the greenest I have ever seen.

Castle Ashby June 16,2010

This is CAstle Ashby. It it located 15 minutes from our house and yesterday was the first time that have visited. It was beautiful. The castle is uninhabited but the Lord of Ashby and his son each have a private house on the grounds. The gardens are beautiful and we had a great time!

Montag, 14. Juni 2010

John Ryan Guiness Brewery Tour 2010

This was John's favorite Dublin sight! The brewery tour was 7 stories tall with a "complimentary" pint of Guiness at the top. The bar at the top was all glass and looked out over all of Dublin. We enjoyed our beer and the kids each had a soda and a 5 dolar donut! Great time had by ALL!

Dublin Wax Museum June 13,2010

Jack and Allie at the Wax Museum in Dublin. The people and creatures looked so real it was amazing. Allie said "Hi" to the wax lady in the entrance hall and we all laughed.

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Kids playing outside with their new friends

Jack and Allie and thier friends next door.

The fantastic Roman Bath's. It is absolutely amazing to see this in person. The whole experience is overwhelming.